Monday, June 04, 2007

The Black Void of Nothingness

My friend WorldGirl says that life is meaningless, that there is no point or meaning to life.

I reject this line of thinking. By the very nature of one's ability to ascribe something (or nothing) to their own existence, does that not in itself cause meaning?

If life were in fact meaningless, or without meaning, then we'd all be better off killing ourselves and directing that our ashes be spread over mountainsides covered in wildflowers so that we'd be producing fertilizer to help the plants grow, instead of driving our cars, causing pollution, giving charity and posting blogs to tell others what we think.



  1. Life is meaningless, but a lot of life's meaning has to do with figuring out the meaning to life. It is the ultimate catch 22. If life itself doesn't interest you, you aren't likely to discover its true meaning and thus, life will not interest you.

    As for me, life manages to interest and annoy me in equal measure. I don't know what is, but there is a point to all this.

  2. You're a teacher. And she's in the medical profession. You both do a lot to help people. And I daresay are probably undercompensated for it. If there were no meaning, you'd be just gunning for #1 and not care about helping anyone else.

    I say there is meaning. I say that life (every day, every breath) is a gift from God and that we are here to serve Him, worship Him and share Him with others.

    And that gives meaning to my life.

  3. Believe it or not, the first sentence of my previous comment was an error on my part. I do believe life has meaning. My only defense was I was in the middle of grading papers when I posted my earlier response and my head was a little swimmy... grading horrifyingly written sentences has that effect on me.

    Anyway, to sum up, I agree with you that life has meaning, but it isn't a simple definition.

    And, sadly, it is not "42".

  4. Life is meaningless, but a lot of life's meaning has to do with figuring out the meaning to life. It is the ultimate catch 22. If life itself doesn't interest you, you aren't likely to discover its true meaning and thus, life will not interest you.

    As for me, life manages to interest and annoy me in equal measure. I don't know what is, but there is a point to all this.

  5. Believe it or not, the first sentence of my previous comment was an error on my part. I do believe life has meaning. My only defense was I was in the middle of grading papers when I posted my earlier response and my head was a little swimmy... grading horrifyingly written sentences has that effect on me.

    Anyway, to sum up, I agree with you that life has meaning, but it isn't a simple definition.

    And, sadly, it is not "42".
