Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Starting the Cake Early

Was talking to Lori on New Year's Day and asked if she wanted to join this round of More Cake and she said yes, but didn't understand why I was planning to wait until March. With that, we decided to proceed and launched into it yesterday. Our first days' posts are still forthcoming, but would invite others to drop me a line if they'd like to join. The introduction has a few typos I need to correct and a question or two to clarify, but post a comment here or send me an e-mail if you'd like to participate. My goal is to find 2-3 more people who want to participate so we can see a collective weight loss goal of at least 100 pounds. (Lori and I together will be losing about 50 pounds.)


  1. I'll post the comment here since your other blog doesn't seem to be accepting comments at the moment. This diet seems similar (if not identical) to "The Rotation Diet," a fad from the 1980s so popular that even my mother (and consequently my siblings and I) took part. I'd research and buy a paperback copy of it... like I said it seems to be the same diet. In any case, good luck. I'll probably hop back on a diet again at some point, but not today and probably not tomorrow.

  2. It can't be identical, some ideas came from diets that didn't exist back then. And "The Rules" I wrote from scratch myself on Saturday.

    I should say that I've never read a diet book and that this is sort of the evolution of the first time I tried this last spring.

    It's just not accepting comments on that particular post that you tried to post on, I think.
