Friday, December 30, 2005

Tip of the Day

Ok, this is an easy one. Just file it away for the next time you find yourself in this situation.

IF... you rear-end someone.

DO NOT get out of your car and start explaining what it was that was taking your attention away from the road.


Instead, be apologetic and start offering money.

(Since I know you'll ask... the Santa Fe takes a licking and keeps on ticking. A quarter-inch scratch is all you'll see from the jackhole in the Cherokee who drove faster than us at one point coming up to the Festival of Lights.)


  1. Odd coincidence. My mom got rear ended last week. The guy behind the guy behind her wasn't looking, and he hit the guy behind my mom, who in turn hit my mom.

    In a fun twist of irony, my mom has been wanting to get the tow hitch removed from her car since she never tows anything, yet the tow hitch saved her rear bumper. The front end of the car behind her (a five-day-old Saturn) was totalled, but my mom's Ford Escape survived without a scratch.

  2. Odd coincidence. My mom got rear ended last week. The guy behind the guy behind her wasn't looking, and he hit the guy behind my mom, who in turn hit my mom.

    In a fun twist of irony, my mom has been wanting to get the tow hitch removed from her car since she never tows anything, yet the tow hitch saved her rear bumper. The front end of the car behind her (a five-day-old Saturn) was totalled, but my mom's Ford Escape survived without a scratch.
