Monday, November 14, 2005

I need some good news.

I don't have bad news, but it's been a long day. So, my few and faithful readers, I need some good news. It needn't be in any way related to me, or even be relevant to me. But if you've got some good news, please share. Even if it doesn't involve you, maybe it's something happy you saw on the news or something. If so, please share.


  1. you can always go to guerilla news network (, they have The Good News Roundup... Inspiration and information all rolled into one :)

  2. Um, thanks random person. Although the link on your site to Bookcrossing was intriguing.

  3. Hmmm... good news...

    Well, I didn't stumble down five stairs, fall to the floor, sprain my left ankle and break the bones in my right foot in five different places... so that's good news.

    Of course, my sister did. I'm thinking of hanging up a sign like union crews have on job sites that'll read:

    Number of days since Kevin had to go to the Hoag Hospital emergency room because of a member of his family...

    Still, the new wing of the hospital finally opened, and it looked nice.

    Hmmm... good news...

    The jaw-droppingly beautiful public defender who works across the hall from me doesn't seem to be wearing a ring on a very crucial finger anymore. I've launched a campaign wherein the entire DA's office (and several nearby deputies and clerks) encourage her to go out with me... assuming she is single and not just leaving her ring at home for some chick reason.

    Hmmm... good news...

    My ex-girlfriend Julie and I are talking again, though time will tell whether that is, in fact, good news.

    Well, that's about as good as my news gets. Hope it helped.

  4. you can always go to guerilla news network (, they have The Good News Roundup... Inspiration and information all rolled into one :)

  5. Hmmm... good news...

    Well, I didn't stumble down five stairs, fall to the floor, sprain my left ankle and break the bones in my right foot in five different places... so that's good news.

    Of course, my sister did. I'm thinking of hanging up a sign like union crews have on job sites that'll read:

    Number of days since Kevin had to go to the Hoag Hospital emergency room because of a member of his family...

    Still, the new wing of the hospital finally opened, and it looked nice.

    Hmmm... good news...

    The jaw-droppingly beautiful public defender who works across the hall from me doesn't seem to be wearing a ring on a very crucial finger anymore. I've launched a campaign wherein the entire DA's office (and several nearby deputies and clerks) encourage her to go out with me... assuming she is single and not just leaving her ring at home for some chick reason.

    Hmmm... good news...

    My ex-girlfriend Julie and I are talking again, though time will tell whether that is, in fact, good news.

    Well, that's about as good as my news gets. Hope it helped.

  6. I have 2 job interviews this week. Neither related to what I just went to school for but something I have already trained for in the past. Travel. One is guest service at a hotel and the other is an independant (telecommute) travel agent.
