Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Recall the Troops!

What doesn't make sense, though, is that this is the perfect opportunity to save face... recall a lot of troops to help in the efforts at home.


  1. Kevin says:

    The problem is, though, that recalling troops to help out at home would mean admitting we lack the resources to sustain a war abroad while maintaining the safety and security of Americans at home. Bush will never admit to that.

    What this crisis has demonstrated to terrorists, though, is that the next time they hit us hard and directly... we're monumentally screwed. Here's hoping your 4th anniversary is quieter than your 1st.

    In the meantime, with Rehnquist kicking the bucket, Bush is left with the task of nominating a new chief justice. Setting aside my partisan feelings about conservatives for a minute, among the conservative justices currently on the Supreme Court, Scalia is the brightest. However, given Bush's current media problems with African-Americans, he might nominate Clarence Thomas,
    who is much less gifted mentally. And since Thomas would be the first African-American chief justice, the democrats would be stupid to oppose him politically.

    Whoever Bush has advising him on these issues, I wish they'd seek my input before it's too late.

  2. Would you believe it's actually our sixth? 9/11 was our second and that part of your toast now seems sad or spooky.

    Yeah, that's the problem. People like you and me actually do have good solid sound ideas, but they don't consult people like me. They consult their friends, a bunch of old, out-of-touch people who may have more experience, but also are stuck in a rut.

    I've decided that the leadership at my church-slash-employer is identical to the leadership at FEMA:
    - reacts poorly to crisis/spends too much time trying to figure out what's going on before acting
    - doesn't understand the importance of perception/the need for good publicity
    - fails to communicate clearly and effectively when they are _actually_ doing something
    - way too reactive/not nearly proactive enough
    - so mired in red-tape that long-term strategy is impossible and the ability to nimbly shift focus when an emergency demands doesn't even come on the screen as an option.
