Barkley was acting weird this morning when I went out to start some laundry. I realized she had a hummingbird that she was playing with. And it wasn't dead. But it was obviously not in any condition to survive. So I put it out of its misery by stepping on it like it a was giant bug (stuff squirted out and everything) and then scooted it away from Barkley since I didn't know it was as diseased as many birds generally are.
I'm going to be sick.
I think I've mentioned this before, but my childhood dog was a Shi-tzu named Burt. Shi-tzus are tiny, mop shaped dogs... their name is Japanese for "bird killers." We never understood how, but this dog (less than two feet tall on his hind legs) would manage to kill about one bird a year. We always assumed Burt talked them to the ground somehow ("land next to me so I can lick you clean"?).
ReplyDeleteFor the record, all that gunk which usually stinks up a dog's mouth is actually great and natural anti-bacterial stuff which probably would have killed any diseases found in the hummingbird. Now, if you're one of those foolish pet owners who risks his dog's life for the sake of fresh breath, not letting Barkley eat the bird was probably a good thing.