Thursday, February 24, 2005

Clueless: Parents Television Council

So the Parents Television Council thinks that television is trashy and wants it cleaned up. To prove their point, they've assembled a page called "worst of the week clips gallery" where you can see all the things you might have missed that they deemed to be things that should have never appeared on television. (But apparently it's ok on the internet?)

1 comment:

  1. A few weeks ago C-Span televised a PTC forum wherein they played numerous clips from movies, TV and video games in their entirety. As I understand it, it was one of C-Span's highest rated times ever. I mean, the stuff from the video games were particularly graphic... the latest Leasuresuit Larry game stands out in my mind as just plain weird.

    Maybe the PTC benefitted by the broadcast, but more likely people were watching to see what was so shocking and, like me, left wondering what the big deal was.
