Apparently a maximum-security prison in Missouri was allowing the prisoners to purchase video games from proceeds from the prison store. A committee made up of officials, staff and inmates decides how to spend the proceeds. One of the video games they selected was "Hitman: Contracts," in which, the article (link above) explains, "players use everything from meat hooks to silencer-equipped pistols to carry out brutal contract killings." Here's my favorite part:
"We didn't closely review these," Dave Dormire, superintendent of the Jefferson City Correctional Center, told The Kansas City Star. "We were told these games had more like cartoon violence."
You know, I've been against the death penalty for years, but I am all for punishing the guilty. Why are there even TVs in prisons, much less video games? "Three hots and a cot" used to be the standard to describe the extent of luxury in our penal system. Convicted murderers, rapists, and their ilk forfeit their rights to HBO, as well as most of their freedoms. They did a bad thing, they should be treated badly. Let them read books for entertainment.