Sunday, April 18, 2004

Terrorist Attacks by November?

This article suggests that terrorists will try to influence our presidential elections by causing another terrorist attack before November. Two flaws... (1) we're expecting it because they tipped their hand by attacking Spain first and (2) I think it would backfire. I think it would strengthen our resolve and cause us to rub our hands together and say "Ok, who can we invade now?"

Semi-related, I had another thought yesterday... if the rest of the world sees us the way we see Texas, then no wonder we are so dispised. And Bush's rampant Texasism probably compounds it. (I'm still bitter about his comments about "Well, neither team is from Texas." when asked if he had a favorite at the Superbowl. Very un-American and stupid pro-Texas. Annoying.)

Talking to Lori about how an attack will strengthen our resolve, she thinks we need to disband most of our regular military and retrain everyone has Covert Opps, Subversive Opps, Seals and Guerrila warriors.

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