Tuesday, October 21, 2003

What the...?

Today, call me really entertained. I've been recently noticing the Google text-ads at the top of each blog on BlogSpot. Lots of ads with topics like Iraq. What's at the top of mine?

Time Warner Internet
First six months only $29.95 month Free modem & installation affiliate
Coyote Urine
Save on Home & Garden products! Simply Fast Savings

I know what's triggering "Time Warner".. that's easy. But what's triggering "Coyote Urine"? Sprint PCS?

We went to Gelson's last night because my wife didn't want to cross the picket line. The experience gave me such a knot in my stomach that I felt bad for the rest of the evening. I think it was partially hunger, but mostly it was the fact that we were supporting the strikers by taking our business to a non-striking store. Worse yet, it was a store I didn't like in a mall that I hate. Paseo Colorado. A stupid dumb mall that's always too crowded, only has froo-froo snooty crud stores, a lame movie theater and horrendous attrocious parking.

My wife is also slightly amused (slightly) that I've started using "Baldwin" to describe things that are bad. In our commute in both directions, Baldwin is where the traffic starts to stink. And since all of the Baldwin actors also stink, I've decided that the term "Baldwin" should apply to things that stink, in varying levels from an "Alec" (really bad), to an "Steven" to a "Daniel" to an "the other one" (the least offensive). I know his name, but it's more fun to just refer to him as "the other one." Now some would argue that the one who was in Homicide should get slightly better treatment, but, sorry, he's still a Baldwin. Hunt for Red October was ok, Main Street was pretty good but Fair Game just destroys all cred.

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