Thursday, July 25, 2002

This is one I'm kind of interested in... See, AOL Time Warner owns some cable companies. It also owns most of a company called Time Warner Entertainment. That company is also partially owned by AT&T, who owns a lot of cable companies. Well TWE owns more cable companies, along with Warner Bros. and HBO. But A&T is merging its cable companies with Comcast's cable companies to create a new cable company, AT&T Comcast. But the government says that AT&T has to get rid of its stake in TWE. But the price it's offering AOL Time Warner wants is less than AOL Time Warner thinks it's worth. AOL Time Warner has no urgency, it's in AT&T's court. But, there are other cable companies that AOL Time Warner only owns part of. The people that own the other part of those cable systems are upset with AOL Time Warner's stock price. What's worse, if AT&T can't get a price they're happy with for their share in TWE, they're threatening to take the shares public and let anyone buy them. AOL Time Warner really doesn't want that. So, it's thinking about taking Warner Bros. and HBO and moving them to AOL Time Warner and taking the non-TWE cable systems and moving them to TWE. Then they want to make TWE its own company (made up entirely of cable companies) and that would make everyone happy. But the hard part is understanding how much all that's worth for all the people who own little private pieces of it. Confused? It's like a bad soap opera.

"Feature by Sony" rejected by CBS Marketwatch after being rejected by recently...

AOL backing away from IM interoperability pledges

Don't dump AOL yet.

Yeah, AOL made a profit. But, in order to keep my stock options from ever being worth anything, they quickly added that they're being investigated by the SEC.

WorldCom Executives will probably be arrested.

Broadband by plane... this is interesting, using a circling plane to provide internet connectivity...

Also interesting... a device that will help you remember people's names by recording snippets of your conversations with them...

Stop letting baseball be a monopoly!

Sprint PCS sucks in Houston

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