Monday, March 18, 2002

Save those cans and strings
The telecom industry is somewhat screwed, and somewhat screwed up. An interesting look at how eroding profit margins, increased competition, looming debt and expensive maintenance is hurting all telecommunications companies.

Big Four is more like it
Andersen should throw in the towel now. And Arthur himself might want to think about a name change.

Chicken and Electricity Trading, it's all the same
One of my favorite restaurants, Boston Market, was an Andersen client. They say that Andersen helped them into the same mess that Enron's now been helped into. (Though Boston Market wasn't making deals with the Jedi council and crap like that.)

Flexcar: A car when you need it, not when you don't.
An interesting idea...

But here's what I find the most interesting...
What does a happy spread-eagled person with a detached head have to do with cars? But then again, what does it have to do with cell phones?

101 Dumbest Moments in Business
This is a hillarious article. If you read nothing else, read this... on your lunch break, it's long,1640,38604,00.html?

CBS wins the week
and as a side note, Sally Jessy Raphael's been cancelled. Didn't realize she was still alive.

Sprint PCS sucks in Houston

Free AOL sparks new worries
Apparently, while charging people $24 a month for service, they're giving so much away that the average revenue is only about $17 or $18 per subscriber. Which has analysts worried. (I'm sorry, but that's still $578,000,000 in revenue A MONTH.)
How are people getting all the free months?
We actually pay for a subscription to AOL for my wife's mom. AOL sucks (and it took us 45 minutes to come up with a name that wasn't taken), but it was the best, easiest option. And that's why they succeed. But we're going to get her on MSN pretty soon, and when we do, I'll cancel another credit card -- AOL's known for continuing to charge people after they've unsubscribed, so we use this credit card just for AOL.

And AOL's got some friends on the inside...

PC's rule the pad
My favorite MSNBC reporter Jane Weaver looks into the disappearance of stereos from modern dorm rooms and a culture of music theft.

Why the Microsoft monopoly will continue to exist
A good, fair look into why Microsoft succeeds where others fail and why lawsuits against them are useless.

Picture of the Year nominees
Bear eating salmon
Plane heading for south tower
Fire Department Chaplain's body - this guy was the first casualty of 9/11, he was crushed by falling debris while giving last rites to his fellow firefighters.
Elephant - the grieving elephant is working with a trainer after its life-long companion dies
And more pictures...
Elk herding - these are federal wildlife agents tranquilizing elk to be transported to another location where the elk population is dwindling (to try to bring it back.)
Towers of light - in memory of 9/11

AOL's biggest advertiser? AOL
When I was at Warner Bros., we laughed at the funny money. Someone wanted a website done? They came to us. We charged them for it. Not real money, but we got to count it as revenue. Then, we needed business cards, so the print shop on the lot charged us. Suddenly, it was funny money times two. An interesting article on how companies (not just AOL) sell to themselves.

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