Friday, January 11, 2002

Question... why is the new CBS yawner "First Monday" on Tuesday? Way too confusing.

Perhaps old news by now, but Ford is planning to cut 10,000 jobs and possibly close some factories.

Uh, yeah... um... I can't pay my taxes this year... I lost my checkbook... IRS missing 2,300 computers, plus some guns, badges and communications equipment.

No real commentary, just lots of news about what's going on and what's coming up on NBC. Speaking of NBC, by the slimmest of margins, people are opposed to hard liquor ads on NBC.

CBS recently stated that it has no plans to follow suit with hard liquor ads. Besides, most of its audience drinks Ensure.

Speaking of CBS, they're thinking of asking Carol Burnett to do another special. Her last one did much better than they had hoped. The article also talks about what other networks are doing in the way of nostalgia.

Speaking of other networks, ABC Family is divorcing much of its own family. But they still can't get rid of the 700 Club.

And one last one for now, this one really bugs me, but it's probably the sign of things to come. AOL is shutting down CNN/SI (the AOL competitor to ABC's ESPN). It will be replaced by a new channel called AOL Sports. I thought AOL was full of clueless dorks too stupid to get a real internet connection? I thought they preferred pretending to be teenagers of the opposite sex in darkened chatrooms. Now they get their own sports channel? What bugs me the most about this is that the NBA will own half of it. It's not going to be true reporting, it's going to be one of the biggest blurring of advertising and entertainment to date. And I suspect it's only the beginning. (Turns out that it was the CNN folks who wanted CNN/SI shut down... they didn't want to be a party to something that would shamelessly exploit and plug and advertise instead of fairly and honestly report.) From what I know if it so far, this new channel will do nothing but help ESPN and allow Disney to charge even more of the cable channels. Also, CNN/SI is basically just filling time. They would shut down now, but they want to hold on to the channel so that when they turn on AOL Sports, it's immediately available on a lot of cable systems. If I were those cable systems, I'd shut it off as soon as it became AOL Sports and put something better in its place.

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