Monday, January 28, 2002

Ok, I just have to ask... who can watch this many basketball games? The new schedule's out and I don't even think my friend Steve can watch that many games.

A cigarette company is whining because it says those anti-smoking commercials make cigarette companies look bad.

Here's an interesting story on how gas prices are destined to be less and less consistent and how smaller independent gas companies will cease to exist if big companies get their way.

Opinion: Michael Graves killed KMart. An interesting article on how Target's success sped KMart's fall. My favorite part is where they say they don't feel "cheap" and "poor" when they go into Target. In elementary school, it was a big insult to say "I saw you at KMart." Of course, no one ever asked "How did you see them? Were you there too?"

A sign that the economy might be getting better, especially as it relates to online advertising... Offline companies are increasing their web ad buys.

Microsoft says Netscape failed by AOL mismanaged it.

And Business2.0, an AOL company questions why Netscape even still exists.

As of Friday, the Superbowl was still only 80% sold. And only 3 of them are dot-coms.

Gone: Roswell (at least temporarily) and Ellen (production shut down... why do people keep giving this woman tv shows?)

I may have posted about this before, but I feel sorry for this guy... installs Seti@Home, gets sued for $415k.

And one last story... some guy got kidnapped. Of course, he and his wife are expecting their first child. Isn't that always the way? And the terrorists/kidnappers managed to snap up "" Time for some spamming!

And Kevin says I'm too hard on AOL. I think that's what he's saying. Of course, I think it was just an opportunity to send me an email that contained "bastards at Dick Clark" twice in one sentance.

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