Monday, December 17, 2001

Tinsel the cat meows too much. Otherwise, she seems to be improving. Does someone want to adopt her?

Despite the anthrax scares, people are still sending cards the old fashioned way. Which is good. Because we sent out real cards. And if you send us an e-card, you don't get a real card next year. e-cards are for "Happy January 12" or "Happy Thursday" or "Hi, felt like bugging you with this funny card day", not for Christmas.

And Vivendi is buying USA Networks. Not sure what exactly this all means yet, but it combines some big names and puts the USA Networks guy Barry Diller (reportedly a hard man, but a really smart guy) in charge of the new operation.

The State Department has created a 9/11 pictorial. It's accused of playing on people's emotions and basically creating propaganda, but I say, go for it. I guess there's no sign of Osama Bin Laden yet. I wouldn't be surprised if he's somewhere in the Bahamas laughing as we trash Afghanistan.

This is an interesting story on other ISPs being connected through AOL Time Warner's cable system. The only reason this is happening is because it was one of the very few things required by the wussies at the FTC in approving the merger of the two companies. What I don't understand is why it was a big deal to get connectivity so that anyone can use the cable lines to connect to their ISP, but yet there's still a monopoly by AOL Time Warner, or AT&T or Viacom or whoever has your local cable. You can chose your local phone company, you can chose your power company. But you're still stuck with a single cable company, or going with a satellite system. And even there you'll soon only have a single choice. The regulators in this country are getting paid to do jack.

Yahoo!'s introduced something called "Buzz" which you can subscribe to. Basically they're saying that they can
predict trends, based on what people are searching for. Interesting idea. This is something I'll watch.

And I gotta say a big thank you to everyone who's shopped online. The first week in December, purchases online were 91% higher than the week prior. Let's get those presents ordered and shipped. Forget the mall. Now if we could only get our apartment leasing agent to stop taking lunch breaks when the UPS guy is about to show up, so we could actually get our packages.

And, like predicted, Ford is laying off workers and seeking cash, $10 billion dollar's worth. They've gotten hit and I take this as a sign that economic recovery isn't right around the corner like they keep predicting.

What if you work in a really large tower? What do you do differently? How do you cope? Well, you position the new interviewees so they don't face windows so they can't see planes, among other things. An interesting article on the Sears Tower.

And lastly, Sprint PCS sucks in Detroit/Grand Rapids.

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