Thursday, December 27, 2001

It's been really slow... no news over Christmas.

Except on the Enron watch. They just tried to buy some favor from the Democrats by tossing them $100 grand right before going under. A nice touch, but before that, they gave $5.8 million to the Republicans. If I were one of the Democrats, I'd be, like, all, "screw you. Where's the other $5.7 million?" Bastards... like KPMG. In a very cool move, the Democrats are trying to find a way to give that money to laid off Enron employees.

In further proof that there's nothing on TV, a burning log won ratings in New York. This is real. I heard about it on TV before I read this.

Oh, and if you hadn't guessed... Sprint PCS still sucks... in Seattle, New York and Los Angeles.

Hey, Merry Christmas everyone! My wife gave me this cool pen that has a light on it that blinks whenever my cell phone rings. It's from Sharper Image. It doesn't work as well as advertised. Don't get one. Get a Nokia and go to the mall and get those guys at the kiosk to put lights in your phone instead. I have a Motorola, piece of junk can't even do custom ring tones. But at least the reception is good.

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