Thursday, November 15, 2001

Hello... haven't really had anything of interest to post in a few days, so I haven't posted. Well, the big news is that I've given up Buffy and Angel. At one time I enjoyed these shows, but I'm not thrilled with the direction these shows have taken. Unfortunately, I've also had less opportunity to be in contact with my Buffy friends and I haven't even bothered to check out the UPN website. Ok, I looked at it once, out of curiosity, but it made me sad to look at. Bright red really didn't seem appropriate.

Life seems to be calmly progressing forward. It's uneventful and at moments I have fleeting panic and worry about the rut I seem to be in. I'm making money, but I'm not working full time. I'm paying bills, but I'm borrowing a little at a time from savings. My apartment is really nice, I like the work I'm doing, but it feels like much of the same... get up, go to work. Come home, play on the computer, watch TV. Maybe take a walk or work out. Do it all over again. But the weather is nice and I have great music to listen to in the car. Is something missing? Or do I just have too much free time? I mean, life is really great. Nothing to complain about. But nothing major is happening. Maybe it's that much of my current job is maintenance work on the computers while I wait for this big upgrade and move that will unleash the ability to do to much more, to learn much more and to make some new and impactful statements for all to see?

So, here's a question... how do I change the color of my archive link? Is this in my style-guide, or...? Any super bloggers out there who can help me? I'd really appreciate it.

And to anyone else reading my work, what do you think? Is the new site too plain? Too boring? Too ugly?

A while back, I read stories about the phone companies whining. Seems that the phone system was designed for people to make calls, talk to people for awhile and then get off. But the second phone lines people were ordering were for computers which they'd leave dialed in for hours. The nerve of the customers, to use the product they paid for. Sheesh. Well, now the phone companies are whining again. People are cancelling second lines in record numbers. Some because of the economy and some because they're getting high-speed DSL lines. But don't the phone companies have a majority of the DSL subscribers? Seems like they're just happiest when they're whining.

Also, more and more people are moving towards electronic payments (credit cards, etc.) There's nothing worse than being in line at the grocery store behind someone who wants to write a check.

You'd think this was a story on how technology can help stores become more efficient and make more sales. I think it instead speaks to the clueless of people who work at The Gap. Apparently they're tagging all the jeans with little radio transmitters to help them find them quicker in the store.

Have you ever wished you could type on your desk without a keyboard? No? Me neither. Well, I do think it would be cool if the keyboard could be projected into the air, along with the screen, so I could lay in bed and use the computer, but I assume that'll take years. In the meantime, this company has figured out a way for you to use any surface as a keyboard with little gloves you slip on to your fingers. It sounds interesting, but how the heck do you know where the keys are? Is there a little mat you lay out on the desk or something?

Surprise, surprise... new survey finds most unwilling to pay for content on the internet. DUH! DUH DUH DUH DUH!

And AOL's about to have a few more haters... Rumor is, they're about to fire some more people.

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