Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Dashboard Project

Now that we're all stuck together under house arrest, I've had a few spare moments here and there to work on a project I've always wanted - a dashboard.  I can project it onto the big TV, or eventually, a dedicated monitor in the kitchen. I'm starting with the calendar and I have a few goals - I want events to be displayed in chronological order, I want events to disappear 5 minutes after the event starts and I want a countdown to the event start. We all have separate calendars, so for now it's a manual process to enter items, but I want them in the correct order, no matter how I enter them, and I want recurring events to update themselves without any intervention from me.  

In the past, I've done smaller scale things, like a dashboard for my wife so she could see where I was along my commute or something that told me what emails I'd received recently, but none were polished or long-term. I'm thinking about what else I could do, like weather or Alexa stuff with IFTTT.

I'll blog about any interesting things I figure out along the way.

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