Sunday, October 28, 2018

True Creativity

I've been looking for the authors for these two quotes for some time with no success:

"True Creativity does not come from a blank page, it comes from what you do with what's already on the page."

Rarely do we have the luxury of a true "blank page."  Rarely can we completely start over.  Often there are people, processes or tools to contend with.  This is meant to encourage one to be bold, to find ways to be creative within constraints that are not of your own making.

"True Creativity comes when you start slashing zeroes from the budget."

Someone trying to build a new park in their community was facing budget cuts. Instead of ordering everything from a catalog and paying a contractor to install everything, they ended up meeting with the community, learning what the community really needed, and then asking the community to pitch in with supplies, labor and materials.  In the end, the community had a labor of love that more uniquely fit their needs and in which they had pride of ownership.


Are there areas in your life where allowing circumstance (the items already on the page) to discourage you from being creative?  

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