Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Q&A: ☀️📅🖌️☁️➡️

July 18 - What are the ingredients for a perfect day?

2014 - Sun, travel/adventure with family, a meal at a restaurant, back home for bed. - entered July 20

2015 - Some quiet time to myself, coffee, a good night's sleep - entered July 20

2016 - Quiet time, soft chair, ottoman, my "Saturday Morning Coffee" Pandora station and coffee. And then family.

2017 - Everyone sleeps in. Coffee, Pandora and me with my feet up. - entered Sept. 20

2018 - We've had a few weekends recently where we took it extremely easy and didn't really do much at all. I enjoyed them. - entered July 19

Want to track small aspects of your own life over the next five years? Get this book: Q&A A Day: 5 Year Journal

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