Monday, February 26, 2018

Q&A: Item

February 26 - Name one item you can't throw out.

2014 - Lori says that old computer monitor. It works fine (or did 2-3 years ago when Lori got her laptop). I hope it's gone in a year.

2015 - That computer monitor is now in my office in use. This year I'm not sure - I'm getting better at discarding/donating "clutter."

2016 - The toy car from Uncle Jim. Note: The computer monitor went to Goodwill a week ago!

2017 - Not sure. - entered March 5

2018 - Not sure. Trying to be more strategic at getting rid of clutter, this house is very small.

This would be a good book to add to your library - a fun way to see how things change (or don’t) over the course of five years: Q&A A Day: 5 Year Journal

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