Monday, May 04, 2015

None-Too-Small: Email Marketing for the Home Improvement Specialist (A Work-Related Post)

Home Improvement, Maintenance and Repair is a tricky business. Most of your new work is from word-of-mouth - I need something done so I ask my friends for recommendations. Most will have a recommendation or two that they're excited to share, or maybe a word of caution against an experience that that didn't go so well. People don't think about it until they need it, they don't appreciate how difficult it is to estimate before you've cut open a wall and they have really exacting standards and expectations.

Often, it's the smallest of businesses. Usually a single professional, maybe a couple of your friends who help out on jobs, either bringing a specific sub-speciality, or just to lend extra muscle or extra hands to speed a time-consuming job.

Home Improvement is also a local business - the closer your customers are, the more time you spend working and the less time just driving to and from the job site - especially for smaller work or if you're working on multiple projects at the same time.

So, can email help you? Absolutely! Click here to read the rest of the article on LinkedIn.

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