Sunday, April 27, 2014

Week 56 (Final)

Sunday, 5 pm (final) -- I got derailed a bit this week. I think I'm still rebuilding. I've gone from overly strict planning for the entire week to extremely loose and I haven't found a good solution yet. The problem is that there's always more to do than time to do it. I do think I need to do a little more intentional planning but certainly not doing any of the agile style velocity tracking. In the end, didn't get 200 items completed this week (that's been roughly my goal). I could find a few more items (I made it to 194) but I need to end the week and start the next. If I were really looking at Agile, I would have to cap it at my velocity and there would be more time for the lookback/retrospective and then there'd be more time to plan. But Agile is just impractical.

Saturday 10:15 pm -- Can't believe I typed "Indend to be intentional" earlier today. Let's fix that. I got distracted trying to get Lori's computer into decent working shape. I think I succeeded. Not sure if it was Microsoft Security Essentials or Dropbox. So I didn't get nearly as much done as I wanted to today. But I read, drank coffee, drank water, stayed under my calories, met my walking goals, water goal and slept nearly 7 hours. 144 completed today.

Saturday 10:15 am -- Going to be intentional about my day. I reviewed all the stuff on my to do list and cut and cut and cut. Couldn't cut as deeply as I'd like, but created an aspirational list. I got about seven hours of sleep last night - I wanted to get more than I usually get, but I also wanted to get up early enough to have some time to read (from a printed book) and drink coffee and listen to my Saturday Morning Coffee station on Pandora with no one else around. I was intentional about only using Feedly for set amounts of time (using a timer) and planning the large keystone items I want for the day (haircut, gas for the car, pay bills) and communicating my plans to Lori early so that if she has other plans for us for the day I'm not surprised or frustrated. Rachel came down and sat in another chair and read next to me for awhile. I used the Mailbox app to defer most of my email until tomorrow, except for all the financial ones, they'll reappear in my inbox this afternoon when I'm ready to pay bills. It's been a nice morning. :)

Friday 10:35 pm -- Wow, I missed quite a few days. There have been several weird things about this week and some weird weather. I've been inconsistent at getting stuff done on my to do list. 101 done for the week.

Tuesday 10:35 pm -- I didn't forget last night, I was running errands and away from the house. Today was really beautiful weather half the day and the other half torrential rain and hail. Crazy. I don't feel like writing much and I just remembered that I got a low pressure warning on one of my car tires during the drive home and I forgot to go take care of that. Hopefully can re-inflate and don't need to change out a tire. 56 things done so far this week. Feels like starting to catch up after a few weeks of crazy. Now if we could just get sleep. And if I could be inspired to start exercising and eating right again. Soon... just as soon as all this Easter candy is gone.

Sunday 10:45 pm -- Ok, we'll see what tomorrow brings. I'm hoping we all sleep well tonight, I'm hoping I can do some exercise before work and that the weather is nice enough to for walking tomorrow at lunch. Tomorrow I have to do some juggling of cars and go to the airport really late at night, so we'll see what I can actually get done. Hopefully most of what I want to do, that it's only the TV and end-of-night exercise that's impacted. 17 things done so far this week. 35 things on the list for tomorrow. I know that's too many, but that's as much as I can cut right now.

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