Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week 41 (Final)

Sunday night - Following the same pattern, I got busy Friday and Saturday and didn't post. It's been a good week. Today we had friends over for lunch and that was nice, but still had a lot of day, owing to the fact that we went to the early service for church today. And the Christmas lights are finally off of the house. They're on in piles on the garage floor, but they're not still on the house or in piles in the yard. That's good. In the end, fell way short of the goal of 200 completed for the week.
  • Total: 167 completed 
  • Sunday: 16 completed (none postponed)
  • Monday: 23 completed (6 postponed)
  • Tuesday: 31 completed (2 postponed)
  • Wednesday: 20 completed (13 postponed)
  • Thursday: 24 completed (7 postponed)
  • Friday: 13 completed
  • Saturday: 20 completed
  • Sunday: 20 completed
Thursday night - I've been taking sleep aids earlier this week, but I think now the pace of work is exhausting me. I can't believe there's still another day left. I did wake up earlier today which was good. After work was dinner which didn't go so well. I had to stay after with Ben and it took a long time to get him to eat. Ok, I didn't have to, I just knew I could get him to eat and I was going to win. And I did and he ate a pretty good meal with actual healthy stuff. Rachel got all her responsibilities done again today. I am just about to hit my step count, but I didn't hit my glasses of water goal (that may be impossible) and I didn't count my calories today.

Wednesday night - It really feels like it should be Thursday night. I was all ready for it to be Thursday night. Work has been good this week, but supremely busy. But, people seem happy so that's really cool. Lori tells me that yesterday Ben was watching a video about ducks and left the room, returning a minute or two later with one of his rubber ducks. This morning she was in his room with him and he was holding a duck but saying "Duckie" in a concerned voice while looking under his bed. She said "You have a duckie. Oh, did you want a different duckie?" and he answered "Different! Different duckie." She looked under the bed, discovered two more and gave them to him and he was happy. Rachel finished all her "must dos" for a second day in a row and even did a "may do." I'm pleased by that. We've got the list on her door so hopefully as she sees the progress she'll be inspired to keep getting everything done. (I had wondered if it was too hidden on the refrigerator.) Slept better last night. Not as well as the night before, but still pretty good. A co-worker asked if I'd slept better. When I said I had he said he could tell, I looked a lot better. D'oh. I didn't get as much done today as I would have liked. But I got home from work later than intended and then Ben was up later than usual so more family time, less chores.

Tuesday night - Better sleep. Sleeping caplet (pill sounds better) and ear plugs. According to my sleep tracker, slept a little bit then was awake for awhile and then slept really hard until Lori woke me up at almost 7. Weird day at work. Not exactly sure why. I think it was good. Finished a book during my walk today. Nice dinner (chicken over potatoes - yum!) with the family at home. Rachel did all her chores today (yay!) and I've been having Ben sit on the potty seat each night for three minutes as soon as I get home. He's doing better at sitting there the entire time. He's not being, um, productive, but he's tolerating sitting there. It's only a matter of time, I think. Lori said they said he did really well in speech therapy today. Got almost all of the chores done and started my taxes. Feeling quite tired. Under my calories again today.

Monday night - I left a few things incomplete, like writing a blog post. Just didn't have time and didn't want to force one. I slept really poorly last night. I don't know if I got even 3 hours last night.

Sunday night - ok, I need to be committed this week to checking in daily on here. Even if it's a little more work, it's the only way I'll take this more seriously. We took a walk this afternoon. Clearly we haven't taken Ben on enough walks - he kept pulling away at neighbors' homes. We thought he was just cold and was mistaking their homes for ours and wanting to go in. But after a few homes, he protested "treats!" - so I guess he was remembering Halloween, even though he didn't like it so much when we were doing it, I guess he understood well enough what he was getting. We finished the walk and headed in. I did not track my calories today and only had three glasses of water, but I did reach my steps goal (8,431/8,000). Last night I probably got 4 hours of sleep at most - probably my worst night of sleep ever. We've just started watching Arrested Development on Netflix.

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