Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week 33 (Final)

Final - Busy weekend. Successful week. Stayed on the diet 6 out of 7 days.

Thursday evening - Didn't get as much done as I'd hoped, postponed some easy stuff I just ran out of time to do.  Bleh.

Wednesday evening - Got up earlier this morning, but not as early as I'd intended. Got some stuff done before work. Unplanned stuff came up after work that took me a little off-track, but still got most of what I wanted to get done done. What was left was something I need to move to this weekend and a few blog posts that are overdue. I haven't felt like I've had time for blog posts, feedly or email. I blame Netflix. Yay, Netflix.

Tuesday evening - I guess I didn't make any notes last night, just filled in the grid and moved on. Not sure about the grid, maybe it's silly. Got a lot done tonight. Pretty pleased with that, especially considering the poor sleep last night and that I slept in until the absolute last moment this morning. I am committed to not repeating that. Right now I have a call each morning with the off-shore team, but that means it's like 10 pm their time. I'm trying to decide if there's any way to move that earlier in my morning. Not sure yet, or if that would just move it even more into the middle of their evening.

Sunday evening - A much better afternoon and evening. Now, let's see if I can keep it together this week and not let it fall apart again.

Sunday afternoon (prep) - Ok, last week was my worst non-vacation week ever. So, I'm ready to do better this week. The most obvious thing is that I need to stop sleeping in. I need to get up and do stuff before work. I did make some calls last week to cancel some services that we used to consider essential. That did save us about $160 on our monthly bills. That's cool. For one of the calls, I called them up, they transferred me, the guy at the other end said "I understand you're looking to save some money. How's half-off for a year sound? I'll just cut the price in half." I did a little happy dance and said "I will take it." I had thought I was going to have to tell him what the competitor was charging or something, but there was no negotiation, just a "let's get this done." deal. I like that.

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