Saturday, July 27, 2013

Week 17 (Final)

Sunday afternoon (final) - Sporadic today. But let's wrap this week up and see if I can do better next week. Good news, finished off two magazines. I will continue to chip away at these and not have so many in progress again at the same time. Still too many.

  • Completed this week: 210
  • Sunday: 11
  • Monday: 42
  • Tuesday: 41
  • Wednesday: 43
  • Thursday: 26
  • Friday: 10
  • Saturday: 13
  • Today: 33

Saturday evening - I kinda broke the week. Turns out I accidentally postponed a bunch of stuff to Monday. Also, yesterday was a busy evening where I did nothing on my list (I got conscripted to peel apples and other things not on my list) and today a change of plans (for the better) kept me from getting much done from my list. So a bunch of stuff now piled onto tomorrow and not much to show for yesterday and today. But that's fine, I again learned a lot from this week. My system is fine, I just want to do too much and I lose steam by the end of the week.

Thursday evening - The slowdown has begun. It's pretty clear that there's at least three causes: one, I get tired and worn down and do less; two - I've done most of the easy ones so what's left is getting bigger/more complex/longer to complete; three - with stuff being postponed, I end up with an big list and I get list paralysis. I'm concerned that I deleted a bunch of stuff somehow or postponed stuff but don't remember doing it. The list of what's left seems smaller than expected.


  • Daily (remaining this week): 26
  • Non-Repeating (remaining this week): 49 
  • Repeating (less than daily / remaining this week): 21
  • Completed this week: 154
  • Sunday: 11 items completed
  • Monday: 42 items completed
  • Tuesday: 41 items completed
  • Wednesday: 32 items completed
  • Thursday: 26 items completed
  • Friday: 11 items
  • Saturday: 26 items
  • Sunday: 27 items 

Wednesday evening - I thought I was going to come in way under. I didn't do as much as I'd expected because I got distracted writing a really long blog post. I was under my calories and got a short walk. Postponing 19 items, unfortunately. (I had moved some forward this morning feeling I was going to get a lot done.)

  • Daily (remaining this week): 26
  • Non-Repeating (remaining this week): 101
  • Repeating (less than daily / remaining this week): 21
  • Completed this week: 128
  • Sunday: 11 items completed
  • Monday: 42 items completed
  • Tuesday: 41 items completed
  • Wednesday: 32 items completed
  • Thursday: 28 items (too many)
  • Friday: 18 items
  • Saturday: 25 items
  • Sunday: 50 items

Tuesday evening - Another good day. Did some more stuff from later in the week. I wanted to sleep in longer this morning, but I didn't, despite bad sleep. Under my calories and got a walk in. Yay.

What I didn't get to:
  • Vacuuming Dining Room - room was unavailable due to another project
  • 5 magazines - finished one, but still need to pull the stuff out that I want to record
  • Daily (remaining this week): 26
  • Non-Repeating (remaining this week): 105
  • Repeating (less than daily / remaining this week): 21
  • Completed this week: 96
  • Sunday: 11 items completed
  • Monday: 42 items completed
  • Tuesday: 41 items completed
  • Wednesday: 20 items
  • Thursday: 19 items
  • Friday: 12 items
  • Saturday: 22 items
  • Sunday: 53 items

Monday evening - Powerhouse day. Did some stuff from later in the week. Guess that's what happens when I get up on time. Prediction is that as the week wears on the remaining tasks will become more and more complex and so progress will slow. I was under my calories and got a walk in.

What I didn't get to:
  • Couch time (Lori was giving Ben a bath when I got home)
  • Social Media Update (wasn't feeling creative)
  • Write a Blog Post (ditto)
  • Reading magazines (I did read from 1, but I have 6 in progress. That's too many.)
  • Daily (remaining this week): 26
  • Non-Repeating (remaming this week): 116
  • Repeating (less than daily / remaining this week): 21
  • Completed (this week): 54
  • Sunday: 11 items completed
  • Monday: 42 items completed
  • Tuesday: 13 items
  • Wednesday: 21 items
  • Thursday: 17 items
  • Friday: 10 items
  • Saturday: 22 items
  • Sunday: 53 items
Sunday evening - So I needed a cut-off point in order to plan for the upcoming week, so I cut things off at 5:30 this afternoon. I complete 12 items today for the new week. Monday a week from now has 60 items - that's items that might normally be done then and all the stuff I postponed all the way out of this week.
  • Daily (remaining this week): 25 (it'll be lower when I finish some magazines in progress)
  • Non-Repeating (remaining this week): 125
  • Repeating (less than daily / remaining this week): 22
  • Completed (this week): 12 items
  • Sunday: 11 items completed
  • Monday: 16 items
  • Tuesday: 15 items
  • Wednesday: 15 items
  • Thursday: 15 items
  • Friday: 10 items
  • Saturday: 22 items (picnic will take up large part of this day)
  • Sunday (some can be done any time): 53 items 

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