Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week 16 (Final)

Sunday, 5:30 pm (Final) - gonna close it out. That will allow me to start planning next week. So, I wasn't ruthless enough this week. Need to do repeating tasks less often and do even fewer non-repeating tasks. Also, a number of tasks got added this week that weren't originally on the plan. That's to be expected, that's life, right? Anything else completed tonight will count towards next week.

So in the end, 203 items completed.

Monday: 45
Tuesday: 46
Wednesday: 21
Thursday: 19
Friday: 29
Saturday: zero (some checked off on Sunday)
Sunday: 43

Saturday evening - I didn't do anything and even if I did, I didn't check it off. Lots of time in the car, time with the family. Whatever I did do today but didn't check off, I'll just cross off tomorrow. I think I'm going to be busy tomorrow, but not sure if it will be with stuff on my list or not.

Friday evening - 29 items completed today, 37 items incomplete. I got quite a few done before work, but not a lot done after work. One of the items on my to do list tonight was to visit It's a really good site, but I get sucked in. It's a really welcoming place and I feel like I'm really good at encouraging people on there. I also feel like it's important to have a male/father perspective on there. I suspect that so do several other guys as there seem to be a few who also spend a lot of time on the site.

I'm not going to post the list of what I didn't get done because it's way too long. I do like this, though, it's forcing me to look more closely at what's not getting done. It's clear that I need to make the list even smaller next week. More ruthless in the examination of what's truly important.

Thursday evening - 19 items completed today, 26 incomplete. Why so many? Bad night of sleep led to me sleeping in as late as possible and then what I did get done took quite a bit of time. I'm postponing the rest to tomorrow and not making a list tonight. Will clean it up later. Still very tired.

Daily - 32 items
Friday - 42 items
Saturday - 31 items
Sunday - 50 items

Wednesday evening - 21 items completed today, 17 items not completed. Sadly, nothing got done after work today. The engagement took longer than expected and I also didn't get home from work as early as I should have.

Daily - 29 items
Thursday - 23 items
Friday - 25 items
Saturday - 27 items
Sunday - 49 items 

Not done today:
  • Couch time
  • Throw Something Away (ATAD)
  • Shave
  • Pushups/situps/jumping jacks
  • Wipe off the wii balance board
  • Prepare children's medicine for tomorrow (Lori will do it or I will do it later tonight)
  • Replenish/refill water
  • Kitchen cleanup (looks like Lori already did it while I was gone)
  • Empty kitchen and Ben's room trash 
  • Take down recycling
  • Clean up living room
  • Set out clothes for tomorrow
  • Post in blog (ack)
  • Update Lose-It (did not eat healthy today)
  • Watch a TED Talk
  • Run, Walk or Work in Yard
  • Read a chapter in my book

Tuesday evening - 46 items completed today, 13 items not completed. Got another walk in, stayed well under my calories. I've decided the day ends at around 9 pm so no more stress about having to get stuff done. 8 meetings tomorrow at work. That's gonna be rough. Well, most of the rest of the week is going to be rough, actually. On the plus side, it's barely after 10 pm and I'm heading back upstairs, exercise and TV done. But, as seems to be the custom now, the hobbit is having second dinner, so it's not like I'll get to bed earlier.

Daily - 28 items
Wednesday - 16 (tried to reduce, I have an engagement tomorrow night)
Thursday - 24 items
Friday - 20 items
Saturday - 28 items
Sunday - 40 items (not all will get done, unfortunately)

Not done today:
  • Throw something away (ATAD) - just didn't have time to look for anything.
  • Update two bank accounts in Quicken (left over from last weekend)
  • Blog post - really need to write another one
  • Move something to crawlspace (going to delay this one awhile - we have a HOA garage sale weekend soon, maybe I'll put some stuff outside with a "free" sign on it instead.
  • Take photos - the last of the monthly photos - will move to this weekend
  • No progress on the 5 magazines that are still in progress (but did finish one yesterday and read a chapter and a half in the book today)
Monday evening - 44 items completed today, 14 items not completed. Got in a walk today (jogged for a bit of it) and stayed well under my calories. So I have a bunch of "every 2 days" tasks (formerly daily) so when I did them today, they respawned on Wednesday. That won't work. I'll need to postpone some to later in the week. Also, when it became apparent that I wasn't going to get to some, I looked to see if there was any others I could do instead.

Daily - 27 items
Tuesday - 26 items (including the postponed items)
Wednesday - 20 items (not possible)
Thursday - 18 items
Friday - 22 items
Saturday - 20 items
Sunday - 34 items

Not done today:
  • Couch time - time spent with Lori - why is this a task? I'm not consistently getting to it.
  • Throw something away (ATAD)
  • Review Ben's IEP
  • Take photo of James/Ben
  • Take photo of James/Lori
  • Tidy bedside / eliminate 5 items
  • Post blog - I've been slacking
  • Respond to Haley (an email I owe someone)
  • Read 4 magazines and a chapter in a book
  • Vacuum upstairs hallway - didn't get to it before children went to bed
Sunday evening - Ok, so the goal was to get it down to a select few items each day plus the repeating stuff. I had it all set and then realized I had forgotten two items. So things won't line up a nicely as I'd hoped, but I still worked hard to bring it to a much smaller list.

Daily - 28 items
Monday - 22 items 
Tuesday - 22 items 
Wednesday - 12 items  (I have an evening engagement)
Thursday - 22 items 
Friday - 22 items 
Saturday - 17 items 
Sunday - 34 items (aka - stuff it would be nice to get done at some point this week)

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