Thursday, June 20, 2013

Good Morning

I am a real introvert. Or you could say that I practice that "Don't speak until you're spoken to" policy really well.

But I try at being engaging, being outgoing. I know it's a requirement for any sort of success in the workplace. But I'm amazed at how often an attempt at a greeting isn't met well.

I speak mostly of "Good morning!" or "Happy Wednesday!"

Listen, it isn't a question. I don't need "Well, it is Wednesday."

It's really more likely:

"Greetings! I hope this morning finds you well!"


"To me personally, this is a good morning. I hope my cheery greeting spreads some of the positive vibes I'm feeling."


"It's morning. I'm alive. You're alive. This is good."

Not "You got that half right."

There are certain people where this response doesn't surprise me. One of my newer readers (hi M!) is the one who responds "Well, you're half right" to "Good morning." I've learned to either just say "Morning!" or else spell it out. That's fine, it might even be considered a full-blown discussion amongst two sarcastic techies.

But yesterday, I greeted someone. We don't always seem eye-to-eye but they always have a smile and a greeting for me. (They're very much an extrovert with little understanding of introverts - they'd like to eliminate all the walls in our office and do random assigned seating.) So I not only made an effort, but I made a very proactive effort to get a greeting out before they did. Not like a race or a blurt, but just a smile and a "Happy Wednesday."

And what do I get for my trouble? "Well, it is Wednesday, I'll grant you that much."


If you're ever on the receiving end of a greeting, especially from someone for whom this doesn't come naturally, someone you know is making the effort to engage you in small talk, don't mentally throat-punch them. Recognize the greetng, and respond with something nice yourself.

So, dear reader, "Good (whatever daypart you're reading this in). I hope you have (or are having) (or had) a wonderful day. Thanks for reading my ramblings."

(end lecture)

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