Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Magazine: Inc., April 2013

My highlights.  Find the issue archive here: Inc.
Magazine, April 2013.

* Book Recommendation -- Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success by Adam Grant.  They give it a 9 out of 10 on their scale, sounds like it has some good lessons I can learn and they say it has some really good case studies.  Added to my list.  (links to Amazon)

* Why I Love My Angriest Customers -- Phil Libin - why feedback is important - and how to use it.
Don't take Internet complaints personally. ... Also, train new team members on how to read Internet criticism without losing their minds.  The second most common type of customer feedback is product suggestions. ... the vast majority are not useful. Your customers can't design your product ... That's your job.  And if you're good at your job, you'll get a sprinkling of the last type of customer feedback: compliments. ... Share them with the team.  Read the whole article.
* Get More Done - unfortunately, this seems only available as a preview or sample, but a cool article with tactics and observations.

* Attention Start-ups: Big Corporations Want to Work With You -- Jennifer Alsever - a look at how big companies are incubating startups.  Perhaps it's in response to how slowly they move on their own?

* What's Your Mission? -- Jeff Haden - this is an absolute must read for any leader.
Every great leader helps all employees feel their job plays an important role in something bigger and more meaningful. ... Great leaders feel accountable, too, but they feel even more accountable to their employees. ...  I'm accountable for explaining results, for explaining my decisions, for apologizing if things don't go well.  Read the whole article.

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