Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Let's Get Intentional (A Work-Related Post)

I've joked at work that we need fewer sign-makers and more microwave repair requestors.  Because you know what I think of signs and what I think of signs.

There is definitely an epidemic of microwave failures at work.  Probably at least 4 out of 9 are dead right now.

But as I looked at them today I was struck by a different thought.  When are they going to fix them?  Have they called someone?  Or do they just want us to buy hot food from the cafeteria and stop bringing our own lunches from home?

It's quite possible that we could come in tomorrow and see 4 new microwaves.  Or a guy with a screwdriver in his mouth murmuring to himself as he dissects them all.

But expectations are not being managed.

What if the signs said "Out of Order - Replacement on Order - Scheduled for Oct. 27 Delivery"?

What if every time you made a promise, you were specific?  You had to commit.  No empty promises.
"I'll give you a call *tomorrow before noon.*" 
"I'll look into that get back to you *no later than Friday.*" 
"We should definitely do lunch.  I'll send you a meeting invite *as soon as I get back to my desk.*" 
"We will get that fixed.  We will send a status update *every 2 hours until it's fixed.*"

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