Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Sift 191-195

The Sift 191: Social Media
  • AccountKiller Details How to Delete Your Account from Nearly Any Web Site
  • Revealed: Facebook’s music plans involve Spotify, others
  • 2012 Olympic Athletes Are Welcome To Tweet
  • Twitter Could Put Promoted Tweets in Users’ Timelines

The Sift 192: Education, Brain, People and Thought-Leadership
  • Brand exceptionalism
  • Purge Your Schedule Like You Would a Packed Fridge
  • How else are you supposed to take it?
  • What Your College Major Is Worth
  • A Game Theory of NFL Negotiations

The Sift 193: Art, Architecture, Design, Fashion and Style
  • Geek Alert! Psychedelic LED Light Paintings Are Created Using Roomba Robot Vacuums
  • How to Match a Tie with a Dress Shirt and Suit
  • Alphabet Building Spells Out New Approach to Creative Offices
  • Bridges That Babble On: 15 Amazing Roman Aqueducts
  • Amit Sood: Building a museum of museums on the web (Video)

The Sift 194: Google+
  • Google Launches Google+ To Battle Facebook
  • The Google+ Bar
  • More About Google+ Hangouts
  • EXCLUSIVE: Google To Retire Blogger & Picasa Brands in Google+ Push
  • Google To Retire Private Google+ Profiles On July 31

The Sift 195: Apple
  • Should Apple Store Employees Form An iUnion?
  • Apple patent application highlights location-based social networking, encourages intimate pinging
  • Intercontinental Ballistic App Store
  • Apple Hopes to Thwart Jailbreakers with iOS 5
  • Apple files motion to intervene in Lodsys patent lawsuit

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