Monday, July 18, 2011

Inc. -- July/Aug. 2011

Inc. Magazine
July/August 2011
Cover story: How I Did It: 14 Tales of Unexpected Success - short profiles of some unexpected successes. Inspiring - it's good to see people succeed, especially when they recognize their own mortality and the need to keep pushing, to not coast at the top.

Racing to Build the Next Spacecraft - an infographic (that worked better in print)

Turning Customers into Salespeople - I got some great ideas that I wish we could explore at our organization

How Would You Market Art for Rent? -- I liked this more because I love the idea of renting art. We have a massive blank wall in our living room just crying out for the right art piece.

Added to book list:
Good Strategy, Bad Strategy -- Richard P. Rumelt

There was also a few articles on very young entrepreneurs but I only skimmed them - being older than all of them, the articles didn't really inspire me but rather had the opposite effect.  There was also an article on salary comparisons for sectors and job types that I didn't really read.

For the rest of the issue online, go here.

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