Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Fast Company -- July/August 2011

This double issue had a couple of large articles on global philanthropy that naturally appealed to me.  But a few other smaller pieces of interest as well.  You can find the entire issue online here.

Can Matt Damon Bring Clean Water To Africa? - a look at the work and approach Damon and partner Gary White are taking to try to increase world-wide access to clean water

How To Train Your Celebrity: Five Hollywood Charity Myths - bottom line, it's an investment, it's work and it can be beneficial to all parties involved if it's taken seriously.

Ticketmaster: Rocking The Most Hated Brand In America - maybe there's hope afterall

BankSimple: A Bank That Doesn't Suck - I've been following their RSS feed. I guess the fact that this is a radical change in direction from a typical bank explains all the beards. Thankfully, plaid in limited supply.

Trulia's Movity Offers More Than Just Maps - now if Trulia would make it easier to find all those cool things on their website

Redesigning: Cubicles - interesting concepts

TypeCon - interesting infographic

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