Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Sift 161-165

The Sift 161: Art, Architecture, Design, Fashion and Style

  • ResilienCity: A Vision for Boston’s Innovation District Built on Brownfield Sites - self-paced presentation available
  • Paint + Sound = Sculpture? [Wild Photos & Videos Included]
  • See How Celebrity Hairstyles Look on You With InStyle iPad App
  • Top 10 Photography Hacks
  • Classic Victorian Facade Hides Gaping Parking Garage in San Francisco


The Sift 162: Email

  • Gmail's New Ad System
  • Xerox's Business of Your Brain liberates your inbox from annoying coworkers
  • Make Sure Your Email Gets Read with Good Email Etiquette
  • The Past, Present & Future of Email
  • 10 More Experimental Features You Should Enable from the Gmail Laboratory


The Sift 163: Entertainment and Technology

  • Charlie Ergen's War
  • MTV Networks CEO Steps Down, Will Not Be Replaced
  • Not Every Theater Owner Fears Competing With Your Home Theater System - why theater owners who admit to being scared by $30 VOD should just close down their theaters
  • Microsoft Research-backed e-reader prototype can't keep its text to itself
  • ZeroTouch 'optical multi-touch force field' makes a touchscreen out of just about anything


The Sift 164: Finances, Banking, Business and Acquisition

  • Where Did Your Tax Dollars Go?
  • RIM Acquires Tungle To Bolster BlackBerry’s Social Calendar
  • Senators Want Cyberattacks To Be Disclosed
  • The World Bank Shows Where $168 Billion Goes With Interactive Map
  • Isis mobile payment system to work with Visa and MasterCard, shelving plans for its own network


The Sift 165: Food, Health, Exercise and Medicine

  • Another Reason Why You Should Schedule Medical Appointments Early in the Day
  • How Many Calories Would You Burn If You Switched to a Standing Desk?
  • Students Develop Revolutionary Device That Uses the Sun to Sterilize Medical Instruments
  • Training Diet
  • How Many Fruits and Vegetables Should I Eat: A Visual Guide


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