Friday, June 03, 2011

The Sift 141-145

The Sift 141: Entertainment and Technology

  • DirecTV's $30 per rental premium video on-demand service launched April 21 - hopefully zero people have checked it out
  • Nielsen estimates show first drop in TV ownership in 20 years
  • U.S. Carriers Begin Blocking Android Tethering Apps
  • Shows wait for bubbles to burst when TV networks unveil fall schedules
  • One-Third of Smartphone Users Load Apps Before Getting Out of Bed


The Sift 142: Social Media

  • LocaModa begins first national rollout of “venue safe” foursquare app
  • Q. How do we get a blogger to write about us?
  • Facebook Now Effectively Paying Users 10 Cents to Watch Certain Ads
  • UFC Fighters To Get Bonuses for Tweeting
  • Set Up "Login Approvals" in Facebook for Better Security


The Sift 143: Cars

  • Ford Cars May Soon Sport Rubber Parts Made From Dandelions
  • Total Cost of Ownership
  • Protean Electric in-wheel motors have the stuff to make an F-150 turn green
  • BMW left turn assistant uses lasers to help you avoid running people over
  • Google Lobbies to Allow Self-Driving Cars on Nevada Roads


The Sift 144: Food, Health and Medicine

  • Drinking Lots of Coffee Linked to Reduced Risk of Certain Cancers
  • New Cotton Candy-Like Material Heals Difficult to Treat Wounds
  • Swiss Inventors Create Blood Powered Turbine
  • Recipe Search Engine Gives Any Recipe a Nutrition Label
  • X-Prize reveals plans for tricorder competition


The Sift 145: News and Media

  • Introducing “News near you” on Google News for mobile
  • AP Stylebook Adds More Social Media Terms
  • Space Shuttle Twitpic Woman Gets Paid, Credited & Snubbed By Media
  • YouTube & Newseum Pay Tribute to Fallen Journalists
  • Kirk Citron: And Now, The Real News (TED.COM; 3:22)


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