Friday, May 06, 2011

The Sift 121-125

The Sift 121: Amazon

  • What We Can Learn from Amazon's Cloud Collapse
  • Amazon Announces E-Book Lending Library Service for All Kindle Users
  • Amazon Announces Cheaper, $114 Kindle With Ads
  • eReaderIQ Is a Complete Database of Free and Discounted eBooks on Amazon
  • Mount Your Amazon Cloud Drive Space Like a Network Folder in Windows


The Sift 122: Apple

  • iPhoneTracker Maps Everywhere You’ve Been with Your iPhone
  • Apple Patent Hints at Secondary Display for iPhone
  • Sorry, Wrong Number
  • Reuters: Apple set to launch cloud-based music service ahead of Google
  • Find Your iPhone’s IMEI (and Other Info) in iTunes


The Sift 123: Commerce, Customer Service and Shopping

  • A good experience that starts before you even arrive - wow... Marriott Renaissance could definitely learn from AVIA
  • Try These 5 Secret Weapons For Better Customer Service
  • Is It Worth Abandoning a Product You Love Due to Bad Customer Service?
  • Microsoft patents apps that let you buy things, Ballmer to go on licensing spree?
  • One Review Matters


The Sift 124: Space

  • NASA's wondrous views of Earth (photos)
  • Live from space: You talk to Commander Mark Kelly and the Endeavour Crew
  • Elon Musk says SpaceX will send a man to space in three years, Mars within the next two decades
  • NASA Releases Highlight Reel of Solar Flares
  • NASA awards $270 million to SpaceX and other commercial spaceflight ventures


The Sift 125: Email

  • Why Your Email Inbox Is Bringing Home the Bacon [INFOGRAPHIC]
  • Email Provider Epsilon Responsible For Gigantic Security Breach
  • In Defense of Epsilon
  • Disclaimers in Email Signatures are Not Just Annoying, But Legally Meaningless
  • New in Gmail Labs: Background Send


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