Saturday, March 19, 2011

Great Customer Service: The Great Indoors

So there's a really cool store in Southern California called "The Great Indoors" which is part of the Sears family  I emailed them asking them if they had any plans to open a store in Seattle.

We had not actually purchased anything yet, but if we had stayed in California, it was only a matter of time.  The stuff wasn't inexpensive, but it was awesome, and even though we hadn't yet purchased, it was an inspiring store to visit.  They had some awesome displays set-up, especially for kitchens and bathrooms.  And a water-tight chamber inside which a bunch showerheads were actually hooked to plumbing so you could see how they operated.

Sadly, they do not have any plans to come to Seattle.  But I got a nice email back from their customer support -- and a day later, a phone call from the manager of the Burbank branch we used to visit.  He wanted to thank me for my kind words and to invite me to ask for him so he could say "hi" next time we came in.  (Perhaps he didn't get the part where we didn't live in L.A. anymore, but still...)

That that was pretty awesome.  If you live near one, you ought to check out The Great Indoors.

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