Friday, February 25, 2011

The Sift 56-60

The Sift 56: Acquisitions

  • AOL trumps mainstream media with Huffington Post deal (opinion)
  • Google Acquires Telephony Startup SayNow
  • Google to Buy fflick for $10 Million
  • Facebook Acquires Hyperlocal Mobile Advertising Service
  • Twitter Counter Acquires Popular Twitter Stats Provider Twitaholic


The Sift 57: Photography

  • Brisbane Floods Before and After - two pages of photos overlaid so you can move back and forth. Tragic event, great implementation.
  • Ask Unclutterer: Organizing photographs
  • How to Take Better Vacation Photographs
  • Enhance Your Camera and Photos This Weekend
  • Nikon Patents DSLR Camera / Projector, High-End Photographers May Get to Join the Projection Party


The Sift 58: Amazon

  • Kindle Books Now Outselling Paperbacks at Amazon
  • Amazon rolling out Netflix-like unlimited video streaming for Prime subscribers?
  • Amazon celebrates its first '$10 billion quarter' in sales, finds Kindle books overtaking paperbacks
  • Amazon Security Flaw May Make Your Old Password Easy to Crack
  • Kindle Lending Club is a Library of User-Contributed Kindle eBooks


The Sift 59: Transit and Development

  • Students and Teachers Create DIY Guerilla Bike Lanes in Mexico
  • SLU Employers Chip In for More Streetcar Trips
  • Netherlands to Roll Out Energy-Generating SolaRoad Bike Path
  • Seattle "Ride Free" Area To Do List
  • National High Speed Rail


The Sift 60: Apple (1 of 2)

  • Readability: Apple's new subscription policy 'smacks of greed'
  • Apple vs. Publishers: Why Apple Already Won
  • US Justice Department and FTC looking into Apple's new subscription policy
  • Rumor Roundup: The MacBook Pro Edition
  • Attack of the Minis


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