Sunday, February 13, 2011


I was sick recently. I used to enjoy great health, never being sick. This one was a nasty one that went around, seems like everyone I know got it, and I got it near the end. I hope it doesn't come around again. On Tuesday night, it started to really hit me. I did not sleep well that night, pretty much just stayed on the couch where we had watched TV. Early Thursday was the worst of it. I brushed my teeth and then felt pretty good. I had a several hour meeting (family-related, details eventually) and felt good but tired. Didn't even feel a little bit queasy -- which was good because last time I drove somewhere while I was sick, I ended up pulling off the road and things were not good and I ended up sending them along while I walked the rest of the way barefoot. But not this time, which I was pretty happy about. When we got home, I worked on a really important project that was due that afternoon for work. But I knew I wasn't doing well because after I finished the project and emailed it in, I had to close the computer. Usually when I'm sick, I can still hang out and do email. But not that day, I pretty much stayed on the couch and slept on and off. I probably consumed about 50 calories total all day. I don't remember being up off the couch too much. I slept much better the next night. I woke up at 5:30 and wondered if I should go to work. I wasn't sure so I went back to sleep. I didn't wake again until 8:30. Lori told me not to go to work. I was more mobile the next day (Friday) and ate, but still took it easy. A good thing, too, I ended up having a bit of a headache for much of the day. But by the end of the day I was feeling pretty normal. Pretty happy about that. Of course, I wasn't completely caught up at home or at work since my trip. I did get a little extra done around the house on Friday, but the email piled up even more (over 400 behind -- after a marathon session of cleaning up post-trip) and I had to miss some important meetings that will just delay stuff. Getting sick is just way too inconvenient.

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