Monday, February 07, 2011

...28 Days

I try to avoid commercials... But we were watching something OnDemand on Kabletown tonight and it was NBC, so naturally, it was full of commercials that are less easy to skip. There were two commercials for movies I've never heard of them. Both of them ended with "Available on Blu-Ray and OnDemand 28 days before Redbox and Netflix."

I'm sorry, but what are they smoking? First, they point out their own jackarsery in penalizing poor Netflix and Redbox by withholding the movies because obviously Netflix and Redbox wouldn't delay release of movies on their own accord.

Second, they end every commercial giving free advertising to Redbox and Netflix by ending the commercial with Redbox and Netflix being the last thing people hear.

Lastly, they tell us exactly when we should expect to find the movie at Redbox and Netflix.

The studios are dinosaurs.

(Disclaimer: Lamb Family, LLP is a current Redbox customer and future Netflix customer. Also, two members of LF,LLP were formerly employed by Warner Bros.)

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