Sunday, December 19, 2010

Odds and Ends 96

1. INFRASTRUCTURIST -- High-Speed Rail Roundup: Putin Promises HSR by 2018

2. MSNBC -- Critics say Honda may be losing its edge - Thank you. That's what I've been saying. Seen the new Odyssey? Looks like a relative of the Aztek.

3. SETH GODIN -- Lady Gaga and Me

4. MSNBC -- Niagara Falls Without Water (As Seen in 1969)

5. ENDGADGET -- Microsoft releases H.264 video plug-in for Windows 7 Firefox users - this isn't the kind of news I usually pass along, but in this case, I'm mentioning it because I want to give Microsoft some kudos. Well done, Redmond!

6. TWITTER -- Top 10 Most Re-Tweeted Tweets

7-10. Videos after the break... Digital Nativity, Drift Fail, SNC can't get "12 Days" right, but that's ok and some Lego Black Ops

7. VIDEO -- The Digital Nativity - fun but also almost makes me cry when the like count starts going up and up

8. VIDEO -- Straight No Chaser tries to sing The 12 Days of Christmas

9. ANIMATED -- Drift Fail. (Click to see larger.)
Click to see larger

10. VIDEO -- Lego Black Ops. Crazy, but fun. Lots of plastic cartoon violence and playdough blood.

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