Monday, December 13, 2010

Odds and Ends 93

1. LAST PERSON BLOGGING -- I Need to Get Paid For This

2. INHABIT -- Yunak Evleri Is a 5-Star Hotel Built Into Ancient Caves - including photo gallery. wild. I want to go to there.

3. MASHABLE -- 3 Things Brands Must Do to Reach Millennials Online

4. UNCLUTTERER -- Pursuing the Life You Desire

5. LIFEHACKER -- Drag and Drop Files Into Chrome to Upload Them Faster - small but brilliant tip

6. CLICKER -- The World is Watching: The State of Online Videos

7. CHOW DOWN SEATTLE -- Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars - these look good.

8. LOSE IT! BLOG -- Lose It! 3.5 Available in App Store - some great updates, including the ability to share foods and recipes (and lots more)

9. CNET NEWS -- Blockbuster laughed at Netflix partnership offer

10. ENGADGET -- Chevy Volt starts shipping to customers, most of whom forgot they ordered one last decade

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