Monday, November 29, 2010

Odds and Ends 87

1. LAST PERSON BLOGGING -- The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

2. INHABIT -- Tesla & Toyota Unveil RAV4

3. SETH GODIN -- Fire the D-Grunts, Save the Gomos

4. LIFEHACKER -- Watch for 'but-heads' to catch a lie - except I use "frankly" or "honestly" often as a "now pay attention, this is more important to me than I feel you're making it out to be"

5. MSNBC -- Who Knew? Facebook makes people more social

6. MASHABLE -- Celebs to Go Silent on Twitter and Facebook for Charity -- so, wait... as long as we don't contribute, they don't tweet! Fine, give to the charity I work for instead. Don't Recycle HIV (World Vision)

7. LIFEHACKER -- Sit Behind a Non-Reclining Seat to Ensure a More Spacious Flight

8. ABOUT FOURSQUARE -- FourTrace shows the danger of tweeting your checkins

9-10. Videos - fun with an ugly hat, and we question the collective tastes of an entire country...

9. VIDEO - Hat Trick. A fun little video. (No idea about the audio, I watched it with the sound off.)

10. VIDEO - Really, Japan? Really?

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