Sunday, November 28, 2010

Odds and Ends 86

1. LAST PERSON BLOGGING -- Indulgent Breakfast Recipe

2. INHABIT -- Abu Dhabi Announces Green Hotel For Wildlife Resort

3. FURTHER DISPATCHES -- I’m on “How I Met Your Mother” Tomorrow - old news now, yeah.

4. ENGADGET -- Hack turns Kinect into 3D video capture tool - this is pretty cool. Now he just needs multiple ones so that he isn't as two-dimensional.

5. LIFEHACKER -- A Menu with Healthy Options May Make You Choose Unhealthier Meals

6. SETH GODIN -- When You Criticize My Choices...

7. I, CRINGLEY -- The Decline and Fall of Email

8. MSNBC -- One scientist's hobby: recreating the Ice Age

9-10 - Videos - Mario but not where and how intended and T-Mobile welcomes people home

9. VIDEO -- Trifecta - Super Mario on a PC - controlled by Kinect

10. VIDEO -- The T-Mobile Welcome Back

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