Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Odds and Ends 83

Late Night Top Ten...

1. LAST PERSON BLOGGING -- Darn, I Missed A Day

2. EONLINE -- Joss Whedon Reacts to Buffy Movie News: "I Have Strong, Mixed Emotions"
- to which I say, forget Buffy. This gives you more time to resurrect Firefly.

3. SETH GODIN -- Reasons to Work

4. LIFEHACKER -- Get $3 in Free MP3 Credit at Amazon

5. INHABIT -- Solar-Powered Garden Canopy Proposed For New York’s BQE - similar thing's been proposed for the 110 in L.A.

6. ANDY SERNOVITZ -- Ask for Permission, Don't Force It

7. MASHABLE -- Cracking the Mainstream: Why Social Gaming Is More Than Just a Fad

8-10. Video - Parking Fail, Trading Trains with Buses and Cookie Monster wants to Host SNL...

8. VIDEO -- Parking Fail

9. VIDEO -- President Obama Replaces High-Speed Rail Plan with High-Speed Bus Plan

10. VIDEO -- Cookie Monster wants to host SNL.

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