Sunday, November 21, 2010

Odds and Ends 82

A snowy ten.

1. LAST PERSON BLOGGING -- It's Snowing . . . Yay?

2. INHABIT -- Turning Downtrodden Detroit Into a Farm Town Could Revitalize It

3. CROSSCUT -- Seattle's live-work spaces: Commuting is such a breeze

4. MASHABLE -- The Problem That Keeps the FCC Chairman Up at Night

5. SETH GODIN -- Watcha Gonna Do With That Duck?

6. SEATTLE TRANSIT BLOG -- Ridin’ Dirty: An Enlightening Journey on America’s Intercity Bus System

7. KLOUT -- What's Your Twitter Influence? - interesting.

8-10 - Videos after the break... Misuse of a microwave, a squirrel misjudges a jump, a bicyclist doesn't -- repeatedly.

8. FAIL BLOG -- Microwave Fail

9. FAIL BLOG -- Squirrel needs a yardstick (Click to enlarge)

Click to enlarge

10. YOUTUBE -- Cool Bike Tricks - in great settings

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