Saturday, November 20, 2010

Odds and Ends 81

Interesting links...

1. LAST PERSON BLOGGING -- One of Those Days

2. MASHABLE -- Would You Attend a Church Service in 3D?

3. INHABIT -- How Paying Your Employees to Volunteer Can Reap You Rewards

4. ANDY SERNOVITZ -- If you love somebody, set them free - he's talking to TypePad, but Facebook should pay attention, too.

5. SETH GODIN -- Embracing the upcycle instead of the downcycle - profound as always

6. CROSSCUT -- Is Gov. Gregoire the new Tim Eyman? - ha. The headline is hillarious enough. And then you read on... "We're all Republicans now." I think Mossback panics, too early, though. A moratorium can help show what needs to be pruned, but also give time to plan the most strategic next moves.


8. FAIL BLOG -- Highly Specific Restriction -->

9. MAPNIFICENT -- Without Car - Fascinating website shows you where you can get to without a car in a specified amount of time. After 180 minutes (the max), I can get from my house to Everett or North Bend or Enumclaw or Puyallup or Tacoma. I cannot, however, get to my office which is about a 12 minute drive from my house.

10. VIDEO -- Dandelion Time Lapse

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