Tuesday, November 02, 2010

I'm So Blue-hoo-hoo

It's gotta be annoying sometimes living in the sticks. Although sometimes it feels like the entire state is the sticks.  I am a red island. You probably can't see it, but I drew a red dot where my house is.  18 years ago when Patty Murray first ran, everyone was excited.  Now it's gotta be that people would like her to be outside of the state. I know I've already said this today, but Washington so wants to be California.  It's just about 20 years behind.  But look where California is today.  That ought not be an aspiration.  Fortunately, there is some sanity - 1098's not passing.  This map is Murray/Rossi.  She's ahead by 2% or 23k.  It's a close race in many of the blues, but they're so large counties that's enough to tip to Murray.  Map and more stats on MSNBC.

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