Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Threat to Myself

So we finally finished the painting of the downstairs and installed the bookcase, secured it to the wall, filled it with books, and then set (almost) all the clutter from around the house right in front of the bookcase. Only two people have seen this. Well, almost all of it. Anyhow, I took a photo of it. I'm giving myself the month of November to make a dent in it. I'm going to post before and after photos. I worked through an entire basket tonight. I put a bunch of stuff in the burn bin, a bunch more in the recycle bin, and consolidated some into an existing to-sort bin. Unfortunately, that bin isn't in the photo, so on the whole of it, tonight's before and after would look the same. But progress will be made.

On a side note... so we just filled the bookcase with books. Interesting to think how the future will look as more books are delivered online. We'll have less need for bookcases or have to find more interesting things to fill them with.

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