Saturday, October 09, 2010

Odds and Ends 56


MASHABLE -- Americans Consuming More News, Thanks to the Internet


INHABITAT -- Wave Power Lights Up U.S. Electrical Grid For First Time


ENGADGET -- DARPA's Transformer TX 'flying Humvee' project gets off the ground and Flying Humvee a step closer to reality, still seems like a really bad idea


TV BARN -- Countdown to Coco: Why Max really left, test shows, new ads


I, CRINGLEY -- Spies Like Us


MASHABLE -- 92% of U.S. Toddlers Have Online Presence


LIFEHACKER -- Schedule Your Work to Avoid Choking Your Calendar with Interruptions


CNET -- Cars: The Next Hacking Frontier?


And they only had two rehearsals. (There's about 200 people involved.)

-10- VIDEO

Autotuning the dog. Funny.

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